Make an Intention

Make an intention - use a word cloud

Honest, Authentic, Prayerful…What do you want to be?

It’s a new year and with that comes the question everyone asks, “What is your new year’s resolution?” This year, instead of writing a list of promises, how about choosing one word as your intention for the year? Find a word that keeps you focused on how you want to grow in your faith life. Commit to one word that helps you grow closer to the person God created you to be.

Last year was the first time I chose a word for the year and I chose the word “gentle.” I loved having a focus for the year. Remembering my word helped give me permission to be slow when I was tired and to be less critical of myself when I made mistakes.

This year my word is “listen.” I want to listen to my body, listen to my feelings, listen to God, and instead of getting stressed out when I feel like I have too much to do, I want to listen to how God wants me to spend my time.

Know Your Word?

If you know your word, I invite you to do a little deeper reflection into your desire behind the word. Why do you think you are drawn to that word? What are you really yearning for? Or fearful of? Or trying to find the courage to grow into? Or not wanting to let go? God is always inviting us to discover more of God and more of ourselves. A relationship with the Divine always promises that there is more to learn about and more to experience. Allow your word to be the beginning of an adventure that helps you discover the deep desires and/ or fears that may be hidden in your heart.

Don’t Know Your Word?

If you have no idea what your word should be I've put together a list of prompts below to help you reflect on what brings you joy and what drains your spirit. If you go through these questions you may see if there are habits, behaviors, or rituals from the past that you miss and want to let go or begin. 

What makes me feel fully alive?

What brings me joy?

What causes resentment?

What drains my energy?

What positive word described me as a child?

Am I still in touch with that word?

What is missing in my life?

What will I regret not doing or being in my life?

What helps me feel or sense a connection with God?

What is the one thing in which I’m being too critical of myself?

Pray for Your Word

Allow this prayer to speak to you and see if a word arises from it.

I Arise in the New Year

I arise with amazement at the presence of the Holy One.

I arise with gratitude for life.

I arise with hope that all shall be well.

I arise with courage to meet what will be difficult.

I arise with conviction to do what is life-giving.

I arise with eyes ever alert for beauty.

I arise with openness to greater truth.

I arise with desire for continued transformation.

I arise with compassion for the hurting ones in the cosmos.

I arise with grief still settled in my spirit.

I arise with eagerness to write with depth and quality.

I arise with a sense of kinship with all whom I love.

I arise with respect as others mentor and deepen my vision.

I arise with determination to make good choices in using my time.

I arise with willingness to help those who will need my care.

I arise with hesitation as I think about pain that may come.

I arise with longing for ever greater inner freedom.

I arise with happiness, knowing I am invited to live life fully.

I arise with love for the Holy One, my Intimate Companion.

Compassion Companion and Faithful Friend, thank you for the opportunity to walk into another year of life.

Help me to be faithful, to be generous, to be yours.

By Joyce Rupp

Give Yourself Some Time

Give yourself some time with this. Journal, listen to music, look at an inspirational picture, or simply sit in silence. Let the word come to you slowly so you can hear the word God is drawing you to at this time in your life and how you are called to grow from it. May you allow yourself the time and space to hear the quiet, still voice of God speaking to your true self deep within your heart and soul.

Share your word on Facebook.

Come join the sharing on Facebook and let us know what your word is for the year.


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