Help Spread Respect

A tree and the roots of respect at sunrise, dawn of a new beginning

An Invitation

My shoulders are tense, I feel irritable, and I’m starting to be on guard with my conversations. What does this mean? Election day is almost here.

We are one month away from November 3rd and the biggest question on my mind is not who is going to win. The question weighing heavy on my heart is: Can we move through this heated time with love and respect and relationships intact? Can we allow for love and a diversity of opinions and beliefs? Can we love our “enemies” (Matthew 5:44)?

The intent of this reflection is not to tell anyone how to vote. Rather, it is an invitation to carve out a space and time to reflect on how we can help contribute to creating a more loving and respectful environment.

Human Dignity

Each one of us is a sacred creation made especially by God. Together, we make up the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). We have different roles, gifts, personalities, and life experiences. Because of that, we are each called to offer a unique perspective and piece of wisdom to the world. A person’s set of beliefs comes from their life story of pain and fear, and joy and love. That life story forms their experience of God and their understanding of what it means to be a Christian. It is a story to be honored and the person behind it respected, whether we agree with them or not.

As Christians we are called to love and serve God and one another (Luke 10:27). What that looks like for everyone will be different because each and every person interprets what being a Christian means to them. Some will spend hours researching, volunteering, and working in areas that show them truth and others will form views based on the latest soundbite. Most will be somewhere in between. Regardless, each one is a human being wanting to be seen and heard and each is equally loved by God.

Election Examen

I know this is a stressful time. The issues are profound. Emotions are running high. You may live or work with people who are driving you crazy because they want to debate and don’t respect your view. I am not trying to sound naive. What I want to do here is invite you to take a step back and reflect. The next time you are talking to someone who disagrees with you, I invite you to think about the story hidden in their heart that brings them to their position.

What is their life story?

How has their life experience been different than yours?

What are their fears?

Their pain and brokenness?

Their hopes?

Their dreams?

And then ask yourself the same questions.

How does your life story bring you to your position?

Can you imagine God gazing at both of you - holding each of your stories - and loving you both the same?

Showing respect and love does not negate your truth nor does it mean you should not give voice to your beliefs. Practicing this reflection is not going to change another person’s view. The point of opening your heart to another’s story is to contribute more Divine love into the world. We have a choice as to whether we want to be spreading more of God’s love or more bad energy. Both are contagious.


To get through this unstable time and come out the other side a better people, we have to trust that God is bigger than this turbulent moment in time. God is bigger than one issue and bigger than one election. When we don’t trust in a God of mystery, we get caught up in the dualistic thinking that decides people are nice or mean and that God has a party affiliation. This way of thinking leaves no room for the depth of complicated issues and the layers of solutions. A dualistic way of thinking allows no room for humility and the truth that God’s way is bigger than we can fully understand. As a result, the respect in a conversation is lost.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister penned a, “Prayer for Leadership.” Towards the end of the prayer, she writes,

We beg you, Great God,

give us the vision as a people

to know where global leadership truly lies,

to pursue it diligently,

to require it to protect human rights

for everyone everywhere.

I invite you to spend some time connecting with the Divine Wisdom in you as you form your views and open a space in your heart that allows others to have their beliefs. Connecting with God within you is connecting with a well of abundant love that will give you the strength to be empathetic and respectful. May we get through this political season with love, respect, and relationships intact. May we find it in ourselves to be respectful of the piece of truth that is in every person.

Please Share

How are you getting through this election season? How do you love and respect people who have different views?


A Moment of Silence


How Big is Your God?