What is in Your Heart?

I have been praying with this question for the past month. If you read last month’s reflection on Darlene Carlson’s and my pilgrimage, you know we recently experienced a powerful journey on an Ignatian Pilgrimage. We are still trying to unpack it all. 

I am journaling every morning in my prayer time, exploring the different experiences I had, and reflecting on what they mean for me now that I am home. I have already received some fruits of my listening. Time away from the ministry gave me new insight into how I want to reorganize the internal workings of this growing organization, and some of those changes are already happening. In addition, the beautiful combination of walking, praying, and sharing with others made me realize I want more connection time in my daily life. As a result, Darlene and I started walking every week with friends; half in silence, half with sharing, just as we did on the pilgrimage. 

My Questions

There is so much more to discover from the stirrings in my heart. In last month’s email, I shared how I felt as if a hundred seeds were planted in my heart that will take a lifetime to grow. Day by day, I act to cultivate those seeds the best way I know how. I journal. I sit with different pictures and images I collected from my time on the pilgrimage. I ask myself honest questions. 

Why did I react so strongly to a particular lesson? 

Am I brave enough to respond to that nudge? 

What was it about those statues of Mary that drew me into her story in such a new and surprising way? 

What was that sense of freedom I had about? 

The questions in my heart continue. 

And my journaling continues.

Your Questions

I am deeply listening to the questions, reactions, and desires in my heart. I know God resides in them. Which has made me want to offer this invitation to you. I want to give you a space right here and now for you to listen to the questions, reactions, and desires in your heart. I am also creating a space here for you to share your stirrings.

What is in your heart?

How are you reacting to the many events happening around the world?

Do you have a community with which you can both pray and seek prayers as you share your joys and sorrows in prayer?

In your heart of hearts, what do you seek in your faith life?

How would you like Retreat, Reflect, Renew to walk with you in your journey of faith?

I have such a heavy heart when I watch the news. The only way I know to respond is to create ways to journey through these difficult times with others. Let me know what is stirring in your heart. How can we walk this journey of faith in a way that draws us closer to God’s strength, stability, and comfort while at the same time listening to how we are called to serve our hurting world? 

What do you want us to know about you?

Throughout this month, our Sunday reflections will offer an invitation for you to answer some “Questions of the Heart” in the form below. Your thoughts and feelings will help all of us here at Retreat, Reflect, Renew as we discern how we are called to respond to this constantly changing world and the many people who are seeking community. 

Please share what is in your heart with this three-minute, anonymous “Questions of the Heart.”


Let’s Talk about Church


Pilgrims: Keep Walking